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Cananga odorata

Ylang Ylang; Perfume Tree

Flowers of the Ylang Ylang are unlike any other flower. They appear in the leaf axils, forming clusters of long lasting blooms. They start out a lime green color, changing to yellow, and finally to orange after a few days. Mature trees (3 to 5 years old) will bloom off and on all year, with intermittent periods of heavy blooming. During periods of heavy bloom the perfume will waft over your entire neighborhood.

The flowers produce an oil which is responsible for the very pleasant fragrance. The oil is most notably used in Channel Perfumes. It is also used in many other applicatons where a fragrance is required: cosmetics, lotions, candles, bath oils, and many others. Medicinally, the scented oil is used for its calming effects.

Cananga odorata is a highly sought after tropical tree for the landscape where a medium to large tree is appropriate. In Florida it will reach 30 to 60 feet in height. In nature, this tree likes warm, moist, humid areas. In the landscape it will do well in any type of soil, and is draught tolerant once it is established. Frost will cause die back, although the tree will survive anything short of a hard freeze.

The branching on this tree makes it even more attractive to the eye. Notice how the branches droop in a symetrical pattern. The tree in this picture was damaged at an early age which resulted in the odd crook in the trunk. The trunks are normally very straight.

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