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Acalypha hispida

Chenille Plant

The Chenille Plant is an extremely showy shrub. In climates where frost is a danger, it can be grown as a container plant. Decorate your porch or patio, then bring it inside for the winter to decorate your interior. In frost free areas, use this plant as a free standing speciman shrub, or display it prominately in a border or hedge. It works great to block the view of eyesoars such as air conditioner units, garbage cans....Or to create a privacy barrier from the surrounding area.

In nature, the Chenille Plant is an erect, spreading shrub. It reaches up to 12 feet in height, with a 4 to 6 foot spread. The leaves are evergreen, large ovals with pointed tips. The flowers are shades of purple, bright red, and crimson. They are clustered in velvety catkins 8 to 20 inches long and an inch in diameter. The Chenille will flower all year long, with intermittant periods of heavy blooms, followed by periods of less blooms.

The Chenille will do well in either full sun or partial shade. However, if the shade is too dense, the number of blooms will decrease. It likes humidity and frequent watering during the hot summer, but will tolerate periods of drought. Pruning can be done at any time and will help to increase the density of the plant.

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